WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com - Samsung Electronics Co. rebluffing Apple Inc. related charges of patent infringement. Appleaccused of plagiarizing from Samsung's technological innovationsused in Apple's peripheral products such as iPhone and iPad.Previously, Samsung also bring an action against Apple in the U.S.International Trade Commission in Washington on June 28, 2011related to the same problem.
"Apple has a lot of innovation plagiarized Samsung for their devices," said a lawyer from Suwon, corporate attorney based inSouth Korea in the registration of a case in federal court inDelaware.
Samsung also supplied memory chips to Apple, had sued Apple in Seoul, Tokyo, San Francisco, Mannheim, and Germany. Applealso has a pending legal case in South Korea.
Apple also reply to these claims by protesting to the Samsung thatthe Galaxy had plagiarized Samsung's iPhone and iPad. Touch screen, zooming, scrolling and selecting menu on the Samsungwas accused of copying Apple.
"They seem to have a lot of talks to resolve the issue. They mustget a license agreement on this issue," said Seo Won Seokanalyst at NH Investment & Securities Co.. in Seoul.
Patent feud in the mobile device industry is not a rare thing.Previously Nokia and Apple have agreed to end all feuds about thepatent and Apple are willing to pay for licensing the technology-dominated Nokia in their products. (Cash / Rizki Caturini)
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