If you've had problems accessing Netflix.com and the company's streaming services, you're not alone. Users have taken to the web to gripe about issues they've had loading Netflix's site to both order and stream content. Netflix's movies.netflix.com is reportedly up and running for many, though subscribers say that they cannot access Netflix via their iPad or Apple TV. Gigaom's Om Malik writes, "For past hour or so, I have been trying to access the service but I have been unable to watch it on my iPad or on my Apple TV. It is about 8.40 PST." TechCrunch notes of the outage: Twitter has been full of complaints from Netflix subscribers who are unable to access content. Some are already suggesting that a cyber attack may be to blame. @Johullrich tweeted, "#netflix is down. Now the question is not how long until it is back up, but how long until users/pw database is posted." Netflix has yet to offer an update on the situation via its official Twitter account Reports of inability to access the site have been popping up since 5:23 pm PST according to one user and the website currently displays the above “service down” message (Netflix on the Wii and the iPad is still working apparently). There’s no word yet on whether this is part of a recent spate of hacks on services like Sony and Sega.
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